Thursday, May 3, 2018

PhD Students and Alumni festival

The common field of Geoinformatics and GIScience – one term more technical, one more social sciences oriented -  is interdisciplinary, bridges various research topics and human dimensions. To account for the human dimensions of the research the Department of Geoinformatics – Z_GIS organized the first PhD Students and Alumni festival on Friday, April 27, 2018.

More than 70 attendees were fascinated by the inspiring keynote presentation “Manage work, not workers. Now to organize for complexity” given by Eric-Jan Kaak which was followed by two different moderated discussion sessions. They addressed aspects of PhD education in general, PhD supervision and societal questions.

The aim was to connect current PhD candidates and PhD alumni and to create a network in the field of Geoinformatics and GIScience.  Both, young researchers at the Department as well as our alumni are not only important ambassadors, but they can continue to benefit from the scientific, social and cultural exchange of ideas with colleagues and teachers.

The reunion was a unique opportunity to reminisce old times, to meet up with colleagues, professors and staff, and to be informed about the developments at the University and in particular the Department of Geoinformatics, Z_GIS.

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